From The Trenches

Adam Retter


MarkLogic User Group London 24/11/2015

Adam Retter

  • Consultant

    • Scala / Java

    • Concurrency

    • XQuery, XSLT

  • Open Source Hacker

    • Predominantly NoSQL Database Internals

    • e.g. eXist, RocksDB, Shadoop (Hadoop M/R framework)

  • W3C Invited Expert for XQuery WG

  • Author of  the "eXist" book for O'Reilly

Talk Disclaimer

  1. A work in progress...

  2. How long this will take?

  3. Real examples from working in a real team.

  4. Experience dates from XQuery in MarkLogic 6.

  5. My Opinions!

  6. Maybe not even best practice!

  7. Looking for interaction...

A talk about code quality...

Trainwreck - woodleywonderworks (CC BY 2.0)

1. In General

During Peer-Review of XQuery

  1. Pragmatically Examine the Code (and Tests)

  2. Spot Mistakes (Requirements and/or Typos)

  3. Spot Bugs

  4. DRY - expand common libraries, refactor, reduce LoC

  5. Promote Best Practice

  6. Redfine Best Practice doc

  7. Constructive Criticism for Continuous Improvement

Be Explicit

  • When reading code (linearly) I want to understand:

    • The dependencies involved

    • The expected arguments of a function

    • The expected return type of a function

    • Ultimately the intention of the author

  • So when writing code I/we always:

    • Declare module imports and namespaces in the prolog

    • Declare the types and cardinality of function arguments*

    • Declare the return type and cardinality of functions*

    • Use xqDoc as nessecary to document modules and functions

Be Explicit

  • Explicit types and cardinality:

    • Help with refactoring - static errors vs dynamic

    • Provide evidence to the documentation

    • Infer intention

    • Help us write Unit tests

2. Portability

xquery version "1.0-ml";

Version Declaration

ironic-fail - Dean Michael Dorman (CC BY 2.0)

xquery version "1.0-ml";

Version Declaration

  • Immediately Breaks Portability

    • Allows you to do non-standard things without realising!

    • Can you share your library?

    • Can you get the widest help available? e.g. StackOverflow

  • Do you actually need it?

  • Don't be lazy, choose minimum

    • Consider 1.0 first!

      • xquery "1.0";

    • Finally consider 3.0

      • xquery "3.0";

xquery version "1.0-ml";

Version Declaration

  • When using standardised version

    • You must import MarkLogic modules explicitly

      • Good Practice Anyway!

xquery version "1.0";

import module namespace cpf = "http://marklogic.com/cpf"
    at "/MarkLogic/cpf/cpf.xqy";

declare namespace cts = "http://marklogic.com/cts";
declare namespace xdmp = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp";
xquery version "1.0-ml";

Function Mapping

  • Function Mapping Problems

    • Causes implicit portability issues

    • Suddenly your code doesn't match the function docs!

    • Can lead to subtle and hard to spot bugs

declare option xdmp:mapping "false";
  • If you must use 1.0-ml

    • Make sure to disable function mapping

declare variable $a := "Result1";
declare variable $b := "Result2";

declare function local:process($input as xs:string) {
  if($input)then $a else $b

local:process( () )
xquery version "1.0-ml";

declare function process() {


Function Declarations

xquery version "1.0-ml";

declare function local:process() {

xquery version "1.0-ml";

declare function local:create-example($entity as element()) as element() {
  element { fn:node-name($entity) } {
    element other {
      text { "something" }

Namespace Axis

Namespace Axis

Namespace Constructor

  • 3.0 provides a Computed Namespace Constructor

    • Example of copying source namespace when transforming a node:

xquery version "3.0";

declare function local:create-example($entity as element()) as element() {
  element { fn:node-name($entity) } {
    fn:in-scope-prefixes($entity) !
        namespace {.} {fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix(., $entity)},
    element other {
      text { "something" }

Map Data Types

  • 1.0-ml provides the map:map data type

    • It is non-portable

    • It is a mutable data type... and therefore EVIL!

      • See: The Evils of Mutable Variables

      • DO NOT USE IT! Unless you have a REALLY good reason...

        • "I need to return multiple values" -> Use XML!

        • "But, I need to preserve type info" -> Use Higher-order-functions instead!

        • "Offers better performance than X" -> Have you tested it? Is that actually the bottleneck?

  • 3.1 introduces the map(*) data type

    • Sadly still unsupported in MarkLogic 8


  • Not strictly a portability issue but a gateway to it

    • Enables mutability

    • Encourages non-functional thinking and style

    • Trying to remove it from your code base causes all sorts of unexpected breakage

    • "So... er where or how did that value change?"

    • Advice: DO NOT EVER USE IT!


  • I said, " DO NOT EVER USE IT!"

I’ll Blow Your Fucking Brains Out AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH - Surian Soosay (CC BY 2.0)

3. Smaller Code

Simple Map Operator

  • XQuery 3.0 (also 1.0-ml!)

  • Can help improve code readability

    • Diligent Use

    • Reduce Boilerplate

    • If you liked ML's Function Mapping, consider this as an explicit alternative

    • Can be used when refactoring for DRY

xquery version "1.0";

for $animal in $animals/animal
    element { $animal/type } { $animal/name }
xquery version "3.0";

$animals/animal ! element { type } { name }

Conditional Function Calls

  • Goal: DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

    • Task: Refactor to reduce repeated code

    • Let's start with:

  $triggers/trgr:trigger ! trgr:trigger-enable(trgr:trigger-name)
  $triggers/trgr:trigger ! trgr:trigger-disable(trgr:trigger-name)
  • How can we refactor this code?

Conditional Function Calls

  • Refactor Attempt 1

    • Merge context expressions of the Simple Map Operators

    • Resulting code:

$triggers/trgr:trigger/trgr:trigger-name !
  • Is it cleaner?

  • How is the readability?

  • Can we refactor this code further?

Conditional Function Calls

  • Refactor Attempt 2

    • Reduce if expression to function invocation

      • Function references

      • xs:boolean -> xs:integer conversion

      • Dynamic function invocation

    • Resulting code:

$trigers/trgr:trigger/trgr:trigger-name !
    (trgr:trigger-disable#1, trgr:trigger-enable#1)
    [$enable-cpf cast as xs:integer + 1](.)
  • Is it cleaner?

  • How is the readability?

  • Can we refactor this code further?

Function Call from Path Expr.

  • Path Expression may end with a function call

    • An often overlooked feature of XPath

    • Function is evaluated once for each context item

    • Can often replace a FLWOR expression

    • Let's start with:

for $i in $some/xpath/expression
  • Rewrite to:

  • Not the same as:



  • Declare Namespaces just once in the Module Prolog

    • Do not declare inline on constructed or computed nodes

    • Reduces likelihood of typos and copy-paste mistakes

    • Let's start with:

declare namespace m = "http://sub.corp.dom.com/ns/proj/module";

declare function local:get-metadata() as element(m:metadata) {
    <metadata xmlns="http://sub.corp.dom.com/ns/proj/module">

<metadata-container xmlns="http://sub.corp.dom.com/ns/proj/module">
{ local:get-metadata() }


  • Declare Namespaces just once in the Module Prolog

    • Rewrite to:

declare namespace m = "http://sub.corp.dom.com/ns/proj/module";

declare function local:get-metadata() as element(m:metadata) {

{ local:get-metadata() }

xdmp:invoke / xdmp:eval

DSC_0335 copy - Jeff Rock (CC BY 2.0)

xdmp:invoke / xdmp:eval

  • Dynamic evaluation of code

    • Should only be used when:

      • Changing Database Context

      • Changing Transaction Context

    • For any other need, consider Higher Order Functions

      • Advantage of being statically checked

  • Prefer xdmp:invoke

    • Seperate main module with injectable parameters

    • Code can be statically checked by linters etc.

    • Can make testing easier

xdmp:invoke / xdmp:eval

  • How to pass a sequence as a parameter value?

    • Consider its function signature:

  $path as xs:string,
  [$vars as item()*],
  [$options as node()?]
) as item()*
  • $vars " This must be a sequence of even length, alternating QNames and items"

xdmp:invoke / xdmp:eval

  • Higher Order Functions to the rescue!

    • Passing a sequence as a parameter value:

xquery version "3.0";

declare namespace xdmp = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp";

  (xs:QName("local:param1"), function() { ("v1", "v2", "v3" ) }),
  <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
xquery version "3.0";

declare variable $local:param1 external;
  • foo.xqy:

xdmp:invoke / xdmp:eval

  • Higher Order Function can also be a Closure!

    • Passing a sequence (from the environment) as a parameter value:

xquery version "3.0";

declare namespace xdmp = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp";

let $my-values := ("v1", "v2", "v3")

    (xs:QName("local:param1"), function() { $my-values }),
    <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">


4. Safer Code

Revisiting xdmp:eval

  • So... What is wrong with xdmp:eval?

    • Consider its function signature:

  $xquery as xs:string,
  [$vars as item()*],
  [$options as node()?]
) as item()*
  • Leads to:

  "declare variable $local:param1 as xs:interger external;
<sum>{$local:param1 + 999}</sum>",
  (xs:QName("local:param1"), 10),
  <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">


Revisiting xdmp:eval

  • Fixing xdmp:eval with Higher Order Functions

    • Refactored to this:

declare function local:sum($n as xs:integer) as element(sum) {
  <sum>{$n + 999}</sum>

  "declare variable $local:f external;
  (xs:QName("local:f"), function() { local:sum(10) }),
  <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
  • Code is now statically checked before main execution

  • Reduces nasty XQuery in Strings

  • Ensures a fail-fast approach

A better xdmp:eval

declare function local:call-in(
    $database as xs:string?,
    $isolate as xs:boolean,
    $f) as item()*
    "declare variable $local:f external;
    (xs:QName("local:f"), $f),
    <options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
        ("same-statement", "different-transaction")
            [$isolate cast as xs:integer + 1]
        (function() { xdmp:database($database) }, xdmp:database#0)
            [empty($database) cast as xs:integer + 1]()
  • Like a special version of fn:apply for ML ;-)

5. Testable Code

Writing Testable Code

  • The problem with (immutable) global state

    • Can it be injected by the test runner?

    • What is my "Unit"?

  • The problem with side-effects

    • Pre/Post-determined state affects test outcome

    • Test cannot run in isolation

    • Test(s) cannot be run in parallel

    • Possible dependencies on external systems (Ouch!)

  • Can we make our code more testable?

Writing Testable Code

  • Higher Order Functions to the rescue!

    • By refactoring, we can (later) test with mock functions:

declare variable $local:uri-prefix external;

declare function local:store-base-data(
    $entities as document-node(element(entities)),
    $uri-prefix as xs:string,
    $store as function(element(entity)) as empty-sequence())
    as empty-sequence() {
  $entities/entities/entity[fn:starts-with(uri, $uri-prefix)] ! $store(.)

declare %private function local:store-entity(
    $entity as element(entity)) as empty-sequence() {

local:store-base-data($blah, $local:uri-prefix, local:store-entity#1)

Writing Testable Code

  • Injecting mock functions

    • An XRay Unit Test:

function local:store-base-data-limits-by-uri() {
  let $test-entities :=
  let $uri-prefix := "some"
  let $mock-store :=
      function($entities as element(entity)) as empty-sequence() {
            "Should never be called when the uri-prefix is invalid",

    (: function under test :)
    local:store-base-data($test-entities, $uri-prefix, $mock-store)

n. And I could go on...

Cardiac Arrest (1) - 松林 L (CC BY 2.0)

Any Questions?

Don't fail me again - Xuilla (CC BY 2.0)

XQuery From The Trenches

By Adam Retter

XQuery From The Trenches

Talk given at MarkLogic User Group London 24 November 2015

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