@ Declarative Amsterdam 2024
Simplify Your Technical Documentation Workflow with Petal
Alexandra von Criegern, Younes Bahloul, and Adam Retter

von Criegern


Senior Engineer @Evolved Binary
Web Development since 2008
TypeScript / Node.js
XML & XQuery
Engineer @Evolved Binary
Masters in Computer Vision
React / TypeScript / Node.js
Contributor to eXist-db since 2022


An easy way to edit Technical Documentation
A WYSIWYG in-browser editor
Built on top of ProseMirror
Uses LwDITA (Lightweight DITA) Model
Uses our LwDITA library
Conversion between XML and JSON
Markdown and HTML to be added in future
For further details see our XML Prague 2024 talk:
What is Petal?
Lightweight DITA
What is LwDITA?
Lightweight DITA
An OASIS Standard
Expressive subset of DITA
Has ~50 elements
Multiple authoring formats:
Markdown - MDITA
JSON - ???
Open an XDITA document
Renders an editable representation of the document
Allows you to:
Edit the text and structure
Insert new elements
Save the updated XDITA document
What does Petal do?
What's new in Petal?
LwDITA Support
Updated for compliance with LwDITA 1.0 Draft 7
Improved formatting and whitespace handling in XDITA parser and serializer
Petal Editor
Ability to insert images from via file upload or URL
Improved localization and configuration
Integration with GitHub

Offers an "Edit this page" button
Petal Bot - our GitHub App
Forks your documentation repository for the contributor
Presents the visual editor to the contributor
Creates a PR from the contributor back to you
You review the contributors PR and merge/reject it
How does Petal integrate with GitHub?
(A Play in 3 Acts)
Demo - Act 1
An Open Source project needs help with its documentation...
"Edit this page" button
Petal API URL parameters
The GitHub repo. i.e. the “my-org/my-repo” part from "https://github.com/my-org/my-repo"
Location of the document in the repo. e.g. "my-folder/my-doc.dita"
The git branch
The web location of the documentation page", e.g. "https://docs.com/my-folder/my-doc.html"

<a href="https://petal.evolvedbinary.com?ghrepo=my-org/my-repo
<input type="button" value="Edit this page...">
Demo - Act 2
A kindly user wants to help improve documentation...
Demo - Act 3
A surprised but happy Open Source project maintainer receives some help...
Summary and Conclusion
Petal allows you to edit Documents
User's don't need to know XML, Markdown, JSON, or any syntax
You don't need to install any tools - just your Web Browser
Petal can provide a publishing workflow with GitHub
User's don't need to know Git or GitHub
XML (LwDITA) at the core for all those good things
Such as Single Source Publishing
Such as Content Reuse
It's Open Source

Polish and Branding
Offer Petal as a service
Further toolbar buttons for other LwDITA elements
Get people using it!
Support cityEHR as our first user
Write Petal documentation using Petal
Use Petal for Elemental's documentation
Publicise and Market it
Respond to user feedback and requests

Thank You!
Any Questions?
Further information...
lwdita repo:
https://github.com/evolvedbinary/lwdita -
prosemirror-lwdita repo: https://github.com/evolvedbinary/prosemirror-lwdita
Simplify Your Technical Documentation Workflow with Petal
By Adam Retter
Simplify Your Technical Documentation Workflow with Petal
Presentation given for Declarative Amsterdam - 8 November 2024 - Amsterdam
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