Portable EXPath Extension Functions
Adam Retter

Adam Retter
Scala / Java
XQuery, XSLT
Open Source Hacker
Predominantly NoSQL Database Internals
e.g. eXist, RocksDB, Shadoop (Hadoop M/R framework)
W3C Invited Expert for XQuery WG
Author of the "eXist" book for O'Reilly
XML Summer School Faculty (13/09/15)
A talk about incompatibility...

The Portability Problem
Previous Efforts
Processor Varieties
Our Solution

XPath Derived Language e.g. XQuery/XSLT/XProc/XForms
Typically uses F+O as Standard Library
Assumption: We want to write apps in XPDLs
Less code/impedance-mismatch
~67% reduction in LoC vs Java 1
Serve/Process the Web
Process structure/semi-structured data
Process mixed-content
Developing an Enterprise Web Application in XQuery

The Portability Problem
XPDLs are typically specified as open standards
Applications written in XPDLs are rarely useable across implementations

Vendor Extensions are EVIL!
Seem like a good idea at the time
Easy/Quick to get something done
Many Types
Syntax extensions
xquery "1.0-ml";
Data Type Extensions
Deviation from Standards
fn:matches($input*, $pattern)
Indexes, Triggers, etc.
Extension Functions

XPDL Extension Functions
Our focus, due to their impact
Disguised by standard function call interface
FunctionCall ::= EQName ArgumentList
Distributed throughout an XPDL code-base
XPDL Extension Functions
Typically implemented in lower-level language
C / C++ / Java / .NET etc.
Vendor/Processor specific
Consistent across processor versions?
Requires reimplementation for every processor
Not supported by all processors

Impact of Extension Functions

Impact of Extension Functions

Vendor Extensions ultimately:
Introduce Hurdles to Portability
Restrict user freedom
Vendor lock-in
Lesson the impact of frameworks
Fragment the XPDL community
Create knowledge/skills silos
Reduce code-sharing
Limit code-reuse
Reduce collaboration
XPDL Processor specific forks of XPDL apps

Other Efforts to Improve Portability
XSLT 1.1 (2000)
Stated primary goal - " improve stylesheet portability"
for extension functions -
Highly contentious. Abandoned!
EXSLT (2001)
Extended the XSLT 1.0 Standard Library
Just a Specification
Each vendor implemented for own processor

Other Efforts to Improve Portability
FunctX (2006)
A Library of >150 useful common functions
Implementations in both XQuery and XSLT
EXQuery (2008)
Just one specification to date: RESTXQ
Common implementation in Java
EXPath (2009)
Standards for extension functions
Some common implementations in Java

Lessons Learnt
Standards are nice, but require implementations
Really need >50% of market-share to implement
Vendors are lazy/limited
Standards are often retrospective!
Implementation Type Mapping (XSLT 1.1)
Showed great promise for integration
Must be implementation language agnostic
No single language for low-level implementation
Won't be accepted by developers
Won't be accepted by vendors

Lessons Learnt
XPDL Processors are surprisingly similar!
interface StandardFunc {
Item item(QueryContext qc, InputInfo ii) throws QueryException;
interface BasicFunction {
Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence)
throws XPathException;
interface ExtensionFunctionCall {
SequenceIterator call(SequenceIterator[] arguments, XPathContext context)
throws XPathException;
class XQFunction {
Sequence createSequence(DynamicContext* context, int flags=0) const;

Processor Varieties
We want to support XPDL Extension Functions
For all XPDL processors
What XPDL procesor implementations exist?

Our Requirements
Focus on Extension Function Implementation
Standardisation is alive in W3C and EXPath
Ideally implement just once (ever!)
Ideally compatible with any XPDL processor
Must support at least Java and C++ implementations
Ideally also C for integration with other languages
Specify an Implementation Type Mapping
XDM types to/from XPDL processor implementation language types

Our Solution
Source-to-source Compilation
Using the Haxe cross-platform tookit
Haxe Lang for high-level implementation
Similar to ECMAScript
Haxe cross-compiler for target implementation
XDM Implementation Type Mapping to Haxe Lang Interfaces
Function Implementation Type Mapping to Haxe Lang Interfaces
Based on: XPath 3.0 Function Call
Based on: XQuery 3.0 Function Declaration

interface Item {
public function stringValue() : xpdl.xdm.String;
interface AnyType {}
interface AnyAtomicType extends Item extends AnyType {}
class Boolean implements AnyAtomicType {
var value: Bool;
public function new(value) {
this.value = value;
public function stringValue() {
return new xpdl.xdm.String(Std.string(value));
public function haxe() {
return value;
class String implements AnyAtomicType {
var value: HString;
public function new(value) {
this.value = value;
public function stringValue() {
return this;
public function haxe() {
return value;
Haxe XDM Impl. Type Mapping

Haxe Function Implementation Type Mapping
interface Function {
public function signature() : FunctionSignature;
public function eval(arguments: Array<Argument>, context: Context) : Sequence;
class FunctionSignature {
var name: QName;
var returnType: SequenceType;
var paramLists: Array<Array<Param>>;
public function new(name, returnType, paramLists) {
this.name = name;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.paramLists = paramLists;

Implementation of EXPath File Module
Implemented in Haxe Lang
Coded to XDM Implementation Type Mapping Interfaces
Focused on just
Function Call Type + Function Implementation Type
Runnable on any processor that supports Haxe Implementation Type Mapping
file:exists($path as xs:string) as xs:boolean

in Haxe
class ExistsFunction implements Function {
private static var sig = new FunctionSignature(
new QName("exists", FileModule.NAMESPACE, FileModule.PREFIX),
new SequenceType(Some(new ItemOccurrence(Boolean))),
new Param(new QName("path"),
new SequenceType(Some(new ItemOccurrence(xpdl.xdm.Item.String))))
public function new() {}
public function signature() {
return sig;
public function eval(arguments : Array<Argument>, context: Context) {
var path = arguments[0].getArgument().iterator().next().stringValue().haxe();
var exists = FileSystem.exists(path);
return new ArraySequence( [ new Boolean(exists) ] );

Proof-of-concept: Processor
Added support to eXist
Static mapping of Haxe XDM types
Dynamic mapping of Haxe function call interfaces
Bytecode generation of classes and objects: cglib
Currently ~300 lines of Java code
Supports Haxe XDM Function Implementation Type Mapping
Supports Haxe XDM Implementation Type Mapping

Implement Once
Cross-Compile and Compile Once
Supports any processor
Requires Vendor to ( just once) implement:
XDM Implementation Type Mapping
Function Implementation Type Mapping

XPDL Extension
Function in

Portable EXPath Extension Functions
By Adam Retter
Portable EXPath Extension Functions
Talk given at XML London 7 June 2015
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