Adam Retter

Markup UK
@ Online


Evolved Binary
Sponsor Talk

Most Importantly, Thank You...

  • Community Conference!

  • All the hard work is done by:

Rebecca Shoob

Andrew Sales

Ari Nordström

Geert Bormans

  • All the attendees!

What have we been up to at Evolved Binary?

@ Evolved Binary

  • Private and Self-Bootstrapped

  • Now 6.5 FTE Staff

Fusion DB

  • Our Multi-Model NoSQL Database

  • Currently - Focused on improving performance

    • Faster Iterators - e.g. table scan

    • Improved Object Caching - Collection/Doc

    • Delete Range

    • Storing Documents - single pass

  • Supporting pre-sales Customers

    • Reseller agreements for embedded use

  • Version 1 is very close...

    • License will be BSL 1.1 - Change license is Apache 2

    • Leaving Alpha, next version is Beta 1

    • Nightly builds are popular - especially Docker

Fusion Studio

  • Our Database IDE and Management Tool

  • Adding further features and bugfixes

  • Currently - Focused on DB Monitoring and Management

    • Alternative to eXist-db's Monex

  • Version 2 will be released in the next month

  • Not just FusionDB... also compatible with upcoming eXist-db 5.3.0



  • Our In-Browser LwDITA Editor based on ProseMirror

  • Designed for our own Technical Documentation needs

    • More than Markdown

    • Less than DocBook/DITA/etc.

  • On-Pause

    • Joining OASIS - LwDITA Committee

    • Plan to contribute "JDITA" - JSON Expression of LwDITA

  • Online Demo:

Also, We Have Been Busy...

Something New is Coming in
~ Q3/Q4 2021!

MarkupUK 2021 - Sponsor Talk

By Adam Retter

MarkupUK 2021 - Sponsor Talk

  • 1,354