Adam Retter
Unconference - XML Prague
This talk...
Trying not to pre-empt. tomorrows conference talk!
Demo some pre-beta version features
AMA - Ask Me Anything!
What is FusionDB?
Multi-model database
XML and Binary
JSON native - work in progress
Snapshot Isolation
Written in C++ 14 and Java
100% eXist-db API Compatible
Will be Open Sourced...
Not designed to replace comprehensive tools like Oxygen!
Create and Edit Documents in the database
Execute XQuery against the database
Serialization Settings and Paging
Management Tool
Connect to Multiple servers
Browse Documents in the database
Upload/Copy/Move/Delete Documents
Modify Document Properties - permissions, type, metadata, etc.
Create/Edit/Delete Indexes
Create/Edit/Delete Users
Fusion Studio
Dashboard (in progress...)
Overview of system health and load
Detailed statistics of system operation
Access to logs
Open Source
Theia - TypeScript
Looking for more contributors - some paid opportunities
Compatible with eXist-db (currently)
Fusion Studio
Charaf Eddine Cheraa
Took the TypeScript holiday -
From Algeria, on GitHub - @ccheraa
Sadly, he could not be here today!
Thank you Charaf!
Behind Fusion Studio
Demo - Fusion Studio
FusionDB Architecture
Demo - What's on the disk?
Univerally Unique Identifier
v1 with random MAC
Very fast generation (> 5 Million / sec)
Assigned to every resource e.g. Documents and Collections
Resources retrieval by UUID
Immune to move/rename/copy
Persist across backup/restore
Restore - Collision Protection
e.g. Provenance / External Systems / Archival
UUID Locators
Demo - UUID Locators
Uses the key/value Model
Just the tip of the iceberg!
Metadata can be assigned to any resource e.g. Documents and Collections
Resources Queryable by Key or, Key and Value
Index Backed for Performance
XQuery Metadata Module
Metadata CRUD operations
Search by Metadata
Key/Value Metadata
Demo - Key/Value Metadata in XQuery
eXist-db style Data Export
Snapshot Consistent
Checkpoint Backup
Exploits immutable nature of SST files
Full Backup! Could add differential in future
Almost Instantaneous!
Hard links on same filesystem
Simple file copy if across filesystems
Backup Facilities
Demo - Backup Facilities
Snapshot Isolation
Each XQuery is a distinct transaction
auto-abort if error is raised
auto-commit on successful completion
Creates a Sub-Transaction
auto-abort on entering catch clause
auto-commit on try body completion
Allows the user to control transactional updates
Nesting try/catch... nests sub-transactions
ACID Transactions and XQuery
Demo - Transactions and XQuery
BLOB identity established through BLAKE256 digest
Each BLOB maintains a reference count
Vacuum process hoovers up any BLOBs with count=0
Unless they are recycled first!
Move is a zero I/O operation
Copy is an almost zero I/O operation
Uses just a few bytes more for each copy
eXist style data export can also deuplicate BLOBs
BLOB Store
Demo - BLOB Store
Thank You!
Ask Me Anything...
FusionDB Unconference XML Prague 2019
By Adam Retter
FusionDB Unconference XML Prague 2019
Unconference session given at XML Prague 7 February 2019 - Prague
- 2,506