Adam Retter

"Soft" Launch - Markup UK


What is FusionDB?

  • Multi-model database

    • Document

      • XML and Binary

      • JSON native - work in progress

    • Key/Value

  • ACID

    • MVCC

    • Snapshot Isolation

  • Written in C++ 14 and Java

  • 100% eXist-db API Compatible

  • Will be Open Sourced...

What is FusionDB?

  • A fusion of three main components:

    • RocksDB (6.0.2)

    • eXist-db (5.0.0-RC8++)

    • Our own additions, fixes, and integration.

  • It's growing into something more...

  • Planned features:

    • Pushing things lower in the stack (likely Rust)

    • New XQuery 3.1 Engine

    • New Full-text indexes

    • Native JSON Support, JSONiq, and JavaScript

    • Clustering

FusionDB Architecture

Interesting Features

  • Key/Value Metdata

  • UUID Locators

  • Instant "Snapshot" Backups

  • XQuery Try/Catch is Transactional

  • Blob Deduplication

FusionDB - Status

  • Alpha 1

    • Please use and report issues

    • We expect you to find problems ;-)

  • Not yet open source

    • Alpha 1 - free for non-commercial

    • Likely will be dual licensed open source and commercial

  • Near future:

    • Fix issues found in Alpha 1

    • More Alphas and then a Beta

    • Optimisation

  • Open Source (GPL v3.0)

  • IDE

    • Not designed to replace comprehensive tools like Oxygen!

    • Create and Edit Documents in the database

    • Execute XQuery against the database

    • Serialization Settings and Paging

  • Management Tool

    • Connect to Multiple servers

    • Browse/Upload/Copy/Move/Delete Documents

    • Modify Document Properties - permissions, type, metadata, etc.

    • Create/Edit/Delete Users

    • etc...

Fusion Studio

Now available for Download:

Thank You!
Ask Me Anything...

FusionDB Launch Markup UK 2019

By Adam Retter

FusionDB Launch Markup UK 2019

Sponsor talk given at Markup UK 8 June 2019 - London

  • 2,174