Digital Preservation and
The Digital Repository Infrastructure
Adam Retter
Office of the Historian,
US Department of State 7/12/2016
Adam Retter
Scala / Java
Concurrency and Databases
XQuery, XSLT
Implementation Lead: The DRI project at The National Archives (UK) 2011-2014
Open Source Hacker
Predominantly NoSQL Database Internals
e.g. eXist, RocksDB, Shadoop (Hadoop M/R framework)
W3C Invited Expert for XQuery WG
Author of the "eXist" book for O'Reilly
Talk Disclaimer
All opinions are my own!
Digital Preservation experience dates from 2011 - 2014
Things may have moved on since
Some details omitted for security
Quickly put together
Looking for interaction...
The National Archives
Archive Records of UK from OGDs, NGOs and Special Interest
Excellent at traditional Paper records
One of the largest collections in the world
Over 11 million historical Government and Public Records
However, most records today are not created on paper!
Predicted 2013 - 2020:
>6PB of Digital Records to Archive
>50% of which will be Born Digital
Forecast in 2012, likely increased since!
2009: Existing DRS (Digital Records System) will not cope...
2011: Start developing replacement: DRI project
The National Archives
Part 1.
Digital Preservation
What is Digital Preservation?
" In library and archival science, digital preservation is a formal endeavor to ensure that digital information of continuing value remains accessible and usable. It involves planning, resource allocation, and application of preservation methods and technologies, and it combines policies, strategies and actions to ensure access to reformatted and "born-digital" content, regardless of the challenges of media failure and technological change. "
" The goal of digital preservation is the accurate rendering of authenticated content over time. "
- Taken from Wikipedia:
What is Digital Preservation?
Preservation of a born digital (or digitised) record in the face of:
File Format Obsolescence
Software (and Hardware) Obsolescence
Software and Hardware Failure
Physical and Technical Degregation / Corruption
Meeting Sensitivity Requirements (Political/Geo/Human)
Proving Authenticity
Providing (meaningful) Access
What is Digital Preservation?
No one definition, many Philosophies and open Questions:
What should you preserve?
What should you present?
Emulation vs Migration
Software Archive
Hardware Archive
File Format Selection
File Format Risk Identification
File Format Transcoding
Archive of Preservation Software and Config?
What is "The Record"?
Influenced by both:
Organisation Strategy
The Collection under consideration
Physical Considerations
Cost/Resource Considerations
Ethereal... however for The National Archives:
More than just the Digital File
Provenance: Source, Transfer, Processing and Accession
Technical: Computed Analysis
Transcription: Human or Text Extraction
Manifestations from Migration, Curation, etc.
Part 2.
The Digital Repository Infrastructure
What is DRI?
Digital Repository Infrastructure
A new Digital Repository for The National Archives
3 Year Project (2011 - 2014)
Designed and Developed in house
Hardware and Software
Any File Formats
Any Metadata (Complex/Structured/Extensible)
Must replace previous DRS (Digital Records System)
DRS was limited to Collections in the tens of GB (Gigabytes)
DRI must cope with at least 2PB (Petabytes) per year
DRI must be able to accession several collections in parallel
DRI must export Presentation Manifestations to Discovery
Security as a Major Factor
Reputation is based on our authority of the authenticity and managament of our records
...Prevent malicious changes (or removal) of Records
...Prevent malicious releases of Records
Sensitivity is Complex!
Reviews and Policies
Sensitive Records
May be Open or Closed!
Politically (Government)
Disturbing (Legal Inquiries)
Personal Information - Name/Age/Address etc
Medical Records (Military)
Uncatalogued / Unexpected Records?
Security as a Major Factor
Physical Security
Dedicated Custom Data Centre separate from Corporate IT
Data Centre's Physical and Network Organisation was based on Trust Zones
Policies: Sensitivity Review
Dedicated Secure Laboratory for Digital Preservation Analysis
Policies: Access and Handling
Dedicated Secure Room for Collection Loading
Security as a Major Factor
Technical Security
Virus Scanners
Malware Scanners
Intrusion Detection
Access and Authentication
Network Segmentation
Physical Separation of Systems and Air-Gaps
Acquisition and File Formats
Digitised Records
Process Controlled by The National Archives
Some internal providers
Larger digitisation projects are contractual with external provider (may still be onsite)
Providers can have quality issues; Requires Testing and Acceptance Criteria
Digitisation file format is JPEG2000 Part 1
Require Lossless Compression, and other spefifics
See, "Digitisation at The National Archives" (PDF):
Warning Not all (JPEG2000) tools can be trusted!
Some image tools may produce buggy image file formats
Must Validate at Digitisation and Ingest (jplyzer, JP2Validator, Jasper)
Issues may be repairable: New Manifestation and binary diff (bsdiff)
Acquisition and File Formats
Born Digital Records
Take what we are given
Receive, Any files, in Any format, for Any system
Most are physically shipped (due to volume)
External USB Hard Disks
External RAID Disk Arrays
BluRay/DVD/CD, USB Sticks, Floppy Disks
Entire Desktop Computers!
Some are uploaded electronically (Internet / GSi / Private Network Link)
Any Transfer is always Encrypted
Volume is a problem
Curation and Calaloguing delays... can defer if stored!
What file formats do you accept?
Identifying the valuable files (what is valuable?)
Acquisition and Metadata
Metadata is absolutely essential!
Allows us to understand the Digital Record
Collect as rich Metadata as affordable (Cost and Time)
Minimal Core set required for every accession
Additional Metadata decided on an accession-by-accession basis (semi-schema free)
Metadata requested by The National Archives
Is Always in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format with UTF-8
May be split over several files
Complex Relationships and Validation are performed using CSV Schema
Acquisition and Metadata
Digitised Records Metadata
Transcriptions (may be from a external provider)
File Format Identifation (DROID)
Extracted Analysis of Image Properties (JHove)
Provenance recorded from Transfer, and then Digitisation through to Accession
Born Digital Records Metadata
Transcription is rarer, instead Text Extraction is used
Fact extraction - Dates/Names/Locations (Gate, Stanbol etc)
File format identification (DROID)
File format metadata extraction (e.g. XMP from PDF)
Metadata Enrichment (e.g. .msg email file -> MBox -> RDF)
Provenance recorded from Transfer through to Accession
TNA Classic Catalogue Model
Enabled the end-to-end business of Accession
Basically the Metadata Model for Records
Designed for Paper Records
Attempts to adapt to Digital, but does not Scale
DRI Accession Metadata Model
Enables the end-to-end business of Accession
Collection: Distinct Set of Related Records. Composed of one-or-more Series
Series: (TNA Catalogue) Records of the same provenance that were created or used together
Delivery: A group of physical or electronic Units that are delivered to the National Archives as a single consignment at a single point in time
Unit: Either a single item of physical media or a single electronic assembly of files.
Part: Intesection of Series and Unit
A Series may be delivered in one or more Parts, across one or more Units.
Think of it as a container! It's the thing we process... concurrently!
Contains all of the files and metadata
DRI Accession Metadata Model
The thing we process!
Contains Deliverable Units
DRI Metadata Model
Inside a Part
Any Metadata Can be added at Every Level!
DRI Metadata Architecture
DRI Accession Metadata Model
In Summary
Start with CSV files adhering to CSV Schema
Convert these to a simple XML representation
Analysis tools over Digital Files create further XML
Convert the XML into Data Model (XIP) and Metadata (XML/RDF)
Store a copy of the Model and Metadata as Turtle into Apache Jena
Online (non-archival) System for Querying, Presentation and System Activities
Inject the XML-RDF into the XIP and Store it in the Digital Archive
We also store the original CSV files!
High Level System Overview
High Level System Overview
Pre-Ingest (Unsafe)
For all unknown materials - i.e. Transfers that we receive
Hadoop: Executes our Security tools and Custom Tools
Also our Staging area and Digital Analysis/Forensics
Ingest (Safe)
For Processing Parts
Tessella SDB Workflows
Many many custom Software Components (Scala, Java, XSLT, Python, C++)
Many Open Source tools: Akka, ImageMagick, DROID, JHove, etc
Apache Jena
Dark Archive (Super-Safe)
A huge Robotic Tape Library!
The Dark Archive
Huge Robotic Tape Library
Presented as Unlimited NFS Storage
Several Terrabyes of Near-line Disk Cache
Very Expandable and Configurable
Catalogues Tapes
Policy Driven
Knows how to export tapes and retrieve offsite tapes
Presrevation Properties
Multiple Tape Drives: LTO-4, LTO-6, T10K
Tape Drives and Tapes from Multiple Manufacturers
...Files - Multiple Copies, on Multiple Media, at Multiple Sites :-)
Thank You
Copy of Digital Presevation and The Digital Repository Infrastructure
By Adam Retter
Copy of Digital Presevation and The Digital Repository Infrastructure
Talk given at Office of the Historian, US Department of State, 7 December 2016
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