Adam Retter
Declarative Amsterdam
@ CWI, Congress Centre
Evolved Binary
Sponsor Talk
About Me
Director of Evolved Binary
UK - Software, Consultancy, Training, and R&D
Co-founder and Co-owner of eXist Solutions
Germany - TEI Publisher software
Software Engineer / Prolific Open Source contributor
eXist-db - 20 Years as Core contributor (last 9 as Main dev.)
RocksDB - 7 Years as RocksJava main developer
W3C XQuery Working Group - Invited expert
Founder of EXQuery, and creator of RESTXQ
Enjoys Research and Development, and Snowboarding
@ Evolved Binary
XML • JSON • RDF Graph • Relational
Java • Scala • C++ • JavaScript • TypeScript
Consultancy, Training, Research, and Development
Evolved Binary Profile
Privately Owned, and Self-Bootstrapped
UK Registered Ltd Company, founded: April 2014
Around 8 FTE staff (unconventional hiring)
Growth: 2020 (1 FTE) to 2024 (9 FTE)
Fully Remote (UK, Italy, Germany, Algeria, Dubai)
Database Engines
Digital Publishing
Digital Humanities
Digital Archiving, and Archival Catalogues
Digital Preservation
Evolved Binary Customers
Is there something we
need to talk about?
What is happening with eXist-db?
I have been a Core Developer for 20 Years
Last 9 years as the Main Developer and de-facto Maintainer
My colleagues at Evolved Binary have been contributing for 10 years
A group of self-appointed (ex. 3) people have announced that:
Adam is no longer part of the project-
This group has (still) not spoken to me
To the eXist-db Users...
I am sorry that this is happening
I am as confused as you are!
Thank you so much to the users that have publicly defended me
Thank you to the many, many, users and XML experts that have contacted me privately to offer kind words and support
What does this mean?
We should ignore the Drama
Better to talk
Business as usual at Evolved Binary
eXist-db activities are just one of our offerings
We continue to provide eXist-db Consultancy, Development, Hosting, and Support
We will accelerate our plans for Elemental
For me personally
I am still open to talking about this - just contact me!
I don't like to be where I am not welcome
Evolved Binary
Consultancy and Contracting
We currently have capacity for more projects
We are openly seeking new challenges
We have been security cleared for Government Projects (UK and USA)
UK Gov Marketplace (G-Cloud 14)
USA System for Award Management (
For Academia and Non-profit organisations
We have always, and continue to, offer generous discounts
Come and talk to us:
Thank You to the
Organisers of
Declarative Amsterdam
“ We deeply care about the Software Communities and Open Source efforts that we are involved in.
We believe that Conferences such as Declarative Amsterdam are essential to the XML Community, and we support as many such conferences as possible. ”
Thank You to all Attendees
of Declarative Amsterdam
- Adam Retter
Declarative Amsterdam 2024 - Sponsor Talk
By Adam Retter
Declarative Amsterdam 2024 - Sponsor Talk
Declarative Amsterdam @ CWI Congress Centre, Amsterdam 2024-11-08
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