Adam Retter
Declarative Amsterdam @ Online
Compiling XQuery
Native Machine Code
About Me
Director and CTO of Evolved Binary
XQuery / XSLT / Schema / RelaxNG
Scala / Java / C++ / Rust*
Concurrency and Scalability
Creator of FusionDB multi-model database (5 yrs.)
Contributor to Facebook's RocksDB (5 yrs.)
Core contributor to eXist-db XML Database (15 yrs.)
Founder of EXQuery, and creator of RESTXQ
Was a W3C XQuery WG Invited expert
Framing the Problem
FusionDB inherited eXist-db's XQuery Engine
Several bugs/issues
Especially: Context Item and Expression Precedence
EOL - Parser implemented in Antlr 2 (1997-2005)
Mixes concerns - Grammar with Java inlined in same file
Hard to optimise - lack of clean AST for transform/rewrite
Hard to maintain - lack of docs / support
We made some small incremental improvements
Performance Mismatch
XQuery Engine is high-level (Java)
Operates over an inefficient DOM abstraction
FDB Core Storage is low-level (C++)
Resolving the Problem
We need/want a new XQuery Engine for FusionDB
Must be able to support all XQuery Grammars
Query, Full-Text, Update, Scripting, etc.
Must offer excellent error reporting with context
Where did the error occur?
Why did it occur?
Should suggest possible fixes (e.g. Rust Compiler)
Must be able to exploit FDB storage performance
Should exploit modern techniques
Should be able to utilise modern hardware
Would like a clean AST without inline code
Enables AST -> AST transformations (Rewrite optimisation)
Enables Target Independence
Anatomy of an XQuery Engine
Parser Concerns
Many Different Algorithms
LL - (Predictive) Recursive Descent / ALL(*) / PEG
Others - Earley / Leo-Earley / Pratt / Combinators / Marpa
Implementation trade-offs
Parser Generators, e.g. Flex/Bison
Pro - Speed of prototyping/impl.
Cons - Not just EBNF - Learn additional Grammar Syntax / Poor Error Messages
Parser Combinators, e.g. FastParse
Pro - Speed of prototyping/impl.
Con - Defined in code
Pro - Complete Control
Con - Huge amount of work
Our New XQuery Parser
We really care about error messages
We really care about performance
We wanted a clean AST
Can also produce a CST
Separate Lexer and Parser
Lexer is Intelligent
Data type conversion, e.g.
-> native integer type -
Recognises Sub-tokens, e.g.
within StringLiteral
Predictive Recursive Descent
Implemented in Rust
Our New XQuery Compiler
Mostly it's just - LLVM!
Previously called: Low Level Virtual Machine
Open Source set of compiler and toolchain technologies
Front-end for language and Back-end for target
Separated by IR (Intermediate Representation) code
Our New XQuery Parser produces an AST
Our Language Front-end generates IR from the AST
Anatomy of our New XQuery Engine
declare function local:fib($num as xs:integer) as xs:integer {
if ($num = 0) then
else if ($num = 1) then
local:fib($num - 1) + local:fib($num - 2)
Computing nth Fibonacci Number
- XQuery Code
Computing nth Fibonacci Number
- Lexer Output
DeclareWord(TokenContext(Extent(0, 7), Location(1, 1)))
FucntionWord(TokenContext(Extent(8, 16), Location(1, 9)))
QName(TokenContextWithSubTokens { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(17, 26), Location(1, 18)), sub_tokens: [NCName(TokenContext(Extent(17, 22), Location(1, 18))), NCName(TokenContext(Extent(23, 26), Location(1, 24)))] })
LeftParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(26, 27), Location(1, 27)))
DollarSignChar(TokenContext(Extent(27, 28), Location(1, 28)))
NCName(TokenContext(Extent(28, 31), Location(1, 29)))
NCName(TokenContext(Extent(32, 34), Location(1, 33)))
QName(TokenContextWithSubTokens { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(35, 45), Location(1, 36)), sub_tokens: [NCName(TokenContext(Extent(35, 37), Location(1, 36))), NCName(TokenContext(Extent(38, 45), Location(1, 39)))] })
RightParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(45, 46), Location(1, 46)))
NCName(TokenContext(Extent(47, 49), Location(1, 48)))
QName(TokenContextWithSubTokens { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(50, 60), Location(1, 51)), sub_tokens: [NCName(TokenContext(Extent(50, 52), Location(1, 51))), NCName(TokenContext(Extent(53, 60), Location(1, 54)))] })
LeftCurlyBracketChar(TokenContext(Extent(61, 62), Location(1, 62)))
IfWord(TokenContext(Extent(75, 77), Location(2, 13)))
LeftParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(78, 79), Location(2, 16)))
DollarSignChar(TokenContext(Extent(79, 80), Location(2, 17)))
NCName(TokenContext(Extent(80, 83), Location(2, 18)))
EqualsSignChar(TokenContext(Extent(84, 85), Location(2, 22)))
IntegerLiteral(TokenContextWithBigUint { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(86, 87), Location(2, 24)), value: BigUint { data: [] } })
RightParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(87, 88), Location(2, 25)))
ThenWork(TokenContext(Extent(89, 93), Location(2, 27)))
IntegerLiteral(TokenContextWithBigUint { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(110, 111), Location(3, 17)), value: BigUint { data: [] } })
ElseWord(TokenContext(Extent(124, 128), Location(4, 13)))
IfWord(TokenContext(Extent(129, 131), Location(4, 18)))
LeftParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(132, 133), Location(4, 21)))
DollarSignChar(TokenContext(Extent(133, 134), Location(4, 22)))
NCName(TokenContext(Extent(134, 137), Location(4, 23)))
EqualsSignChar(TokenContext(Extent(138, 139), Location(4, 27)))
IntegerLiteral(TokenContextWithBigUint { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(140, 141), Location(4, 29)), value: BigUint { data: [1] } })
RightParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(141, 142), Location(4, 30)))
ThenWork(TokenContext(Extent(143, 147), Location(4, 32)))
IntegerLiteral(TokenContextWithBigUint { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(164, 165), Location(5, 17)), value: BigUint { data: [1] } })
ElseWord(TokenContext(Extent(178, 182), Location(6, 13)))
QName(TokenContextWithSubTokens { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(199, 208), Location(7, 17)), sub_tokens: [NCName(TokenContext(Extent(199, 204), Location(7, 17))), NCName(TokenContext(Extent(205, 208), Location(7, 23)))] })
LeftParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(208, 209), Location(7, 26)))
DollarSignChar(TokenContext(Extent(209, 210), Location(7, 27)))
NCName(TokenContext(Extent(210, 213), Location(7, 28)))
HyphenMinusChar(TokenContext(Extent(214, 215), Location(7, 32)))
IntegerLiteral(TokenContextWithBigUint { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(216, 217), Location(7, 34)), value: BigUint { data: [1] } })
RightParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(217, 218), Location(7, 35)))
PlusSignChar(TokenContext(Extent(219, 220), Location(7, 37)))
QName(TokenContextWithSubTokens { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(221, 230), Location(7, 39)), sub_tokens: [NCName(TokenContext(Extent(221, 226), Location(7, 39))), NCName(TokenContext(Extent(227, 230), Location(7, 45)))] })
LeftParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(230, 231), Location(7, 48)))
DollarSignChar(TokenContext(Extent(231, 232), Location(7, 49)))
NCName(TokenContext(Extent(232, 235), Location(7, 50)))
HyphenMinusChar(TokenContext(Extent(236, 237), Location(7, 54)))
IntegerLiteral(TokenContextWithBigUint { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(238, 239), Location(7, 56)), value: BigUint { data: [2] } })
RightParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(239, 240), Location(7, 57)))
RightCurlyBracketChar(TokenContext(Extent(249, 250), Location(8, 9)))
SemicolonChar(TokenContext(Extent(250, 251), Location(8, 10)))
QName(TokenContextWithSubTokens { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(260, 269), Location(9, 9)), sub_tokens: [NCName(TokenContext(Extent(260, 265), Location(9, 9))), NCName(TokenContext(Extent(266, 269), Location(9, 15)))] })
LeftParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(269, 270), Location(9, 18)))
IntegerLiteral(TokenContextWithBigUint { token_context: TokenContext(Extent(270, 272), Location(9, 19)), value: BigUint { data: [33] } })
RightParenChar(TokenContext(Extent(272, 273), Location(9, 21)))
Computing nth Fibonacci Number
- Parser Output
(1 of 2)
Computing nth Fibonacci Number
- Parser Output
(2 of 2)
Generating IR for LLVM
We use a Visitor Pattern over our AST
LLVM provides an API (C++)
Various bindings for other languages
Inkwell(s) for Rust looks promising
Starting point is the
class -
adds instructions to yourModule
class -
class holds function parameters, variables, etc.
LLVM provides many possible Optimisations for IR
Of particular interest (for XQuery):
Tail Call Elimination
Dead Code/Argument/Type/Global/Loop Elimination
Computing nth Fibonacci Number - IR
;; defines our fibonacci function as local_fib
;; t1 = $num
define i64 @"local_fib"(i64 %".1")
;; t3 = ($num = 0)
%".3" = icmp eq i64 %".1", 0
;; if t3 then goto local_fib_body.ifbody1 else goto local_fib_body.ifelsebody1
br i1 %".3", label %"local_fib_body.ifbody1", label %"local_fib_body.ifelsebody1"
;; return 0
ret i64 0
;; t4 = ($num = 1)
%".4" = icmp eq i64 %".1", 1
;; if t4 then goto local_fib_body.ifbody2 else goto local_fib_body.ifelsebody2
br i1 %".4", label %"local_fib_body.ifbody2", label %"local_fib_body.ifelsebody2"
;; return 1
ret i64 1
;; t6 = ($num - 1)
%".6" = sub i64 %".1", 1
;; t7 = ($num - 2)
%".7" = sub i64 %".1", 2
;; t8 = local_fib( t6 ) ; ie local_fib( n - 1 )
%".8" = call i64 (i64) @"local_fib"(i64 %".6")
;; t9 = local_fib( t7 ) ; ie local_fib( n - 2 )
%".9" = call i64 (i64) @"local_fib"(i64 %".7")
;; t10 = (t8 + t9)
%".10" = add i64 %".8", %".9"
;; return t10
ret i64 %".10"
Where we are at today...
Still early stage!
Lexer is OK
Parser is in-progress
We have experimental IR Generation and JIT
Lots still to do...
Thinking about the future...
LLVM can target WebAssembly
Then we can run/call XQuery from Web-browser and Node.js
LLVM can target the GPU
Compiling XQuery to Native Machine Code
By Adam Retter
Compiling XQuery to Native Machine Code
Presentation given for Declarative Amsterdam - 9 October 2020 - Online
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