Adam Retter

@ Online


Evolved Binary
Sponsor Talk

About Me

  • Director of Evolved Binary

    • UK - Software, Consultancy, Training, and R&D

  • Co-founder and Co-owner of eXist Solutions

    • Germany - TEI Publisher software

  • Software Engineer / Prolific Open Source contributor

    • eXist-db - 19 Years as Core contributor (last 8 as Main contr.)

    • RocksDB - 7 Years as RocksJava main developer

  • W3C XQuery Working Group - Invited expert

  • Founder of EXQuery, and creator of RESTXQ

  • Enjoys Research and Development, and Snowboarding


XML JSON RDF Graph Relational

Java Scala C++ JavaScript TypeScript

Consultancy, Training, Research, and Development


@ Evolved Binary









Evolved Binary Profile

  • Privately Owned, and Self-Bootstrapped

  • UK Registered Ltd Company, founded: April 2014

  • Around 8 FTE staff (unconventional hiring)

    • Growth: 2020 (1 FTE) to 2024 (9 FTE)

  • Fully Remote (UK, Italy, Germany, Algeria, Dubai)

  • Specialisms:

    • Database Engines

    • Digital Publishing

    • Digital Humanities

    • Digital Archiving, and Archival Catalogues

    • Digital Preservation

Evolved Binary Customers

Evolved Binary News

  • Training

    • Our own range of Training Courses

    • Highly Customisable to Your Needs

  • Technical Partner for cityEHR

  • Our Products

    • Elemental

      • Expected v1 launch in Q4 2024

    • FusionDB

      • Re-alignment with Elemental (in progress)

      • Expected v2 launch in Q2 2025

My daily work is much easier after
the complete XML-developer training
from Tomos and Adam.
It was a great joy to attend!

Evolved Binary have proved indispensable in helping us realise the vision we had for our cutting edge software. They are professional, friendly, and exceptionally knowledgeable; a delight to work with.

Evolved Binary
Consultancy and Contracting

  • We currently have capacity for more projects

  • We are openly seeking new challenges

  • We have been security cleared for Government Projects (UK and USA)

    • UK Gov Marketplace (G-Cloud 14)

    • USA System for Award Management (

  • For Academia and Non-profit organisations

    • We have always, and continue to, offer generous discounts

  • Come and talk to us:

Thank You to the
Organisers of Balisage

“ We deeply care about the Software Communities and Open Source efforts that we are involved in.

We believe that Conferences such as Balisage are essential to the XML Community, and we support as many such conferences as possible.

Thank You to all
Attendees of Balisage

- Adam Retter