Adam Retter

@ Online


Evolved Binary
Sponsor Talk

@ Evolved Binary - Some New Faces?

  • Private and Self-Bootstrapped


Most Importantly, Thank You...

  • To the Organisers of Balisage

  • To the Advisory Board for Balisage

  • To all the people behind the scenes

  • All the attendees!

What have we been up to at Evolved Binary?


  • Still the largest contributor

    • New version 5.3.0 was released at the end of June

    • 1.5 Years since 5.2.0 - Many new features and bug-fixes

    • 5.4.0 will be conservative and is almost ready

    • Our free contributions will be re-focused to Elemental

  • Stacked approach

    • eXist-db forms the basis of Elemental

    • Elemental is our enhanced internal fork of eXist-db

    • Elemental provides the eXist-db aspects of FusionDB

  • Support

    • Still happily providing eXist-db Support, Consultancy, and Hosting

    • Still providing eXist-db infrastructre to the community, e.g. Nightly builds, etc.

Fusion DB

  • Our Multi-Model NoSQL Database

  • Currently - Performance and Features

    • Rewritten Security Manager - SAML, SSO, etc.

    • Improved Meda Type inferencing

    • Faster Iterators - e.g. table scan

    • Delete Range

  • Supporting pre-sales Customers

    • Reseller agreements for embedded use

  • Version 1 is very close...

    • License is BSL 1.1 - Change license is Apache 2

    • Leaving Alpha, next version is Beta 1

    • Nightly builds are popular - especially Docker


  • Our In-Browser LwDITA Editor based on ProseMirror

  • Designed for our own Technical Documentation needs

    • More than Markdown

    • Less than DocBook/DITA/etc.

  • On-Pause

    • Joining OASIS - LwDITA Committee

    • Plan to contribute "JDITA" - JSON Expression of LwDITA

  • Online Demo:

  • Video from Declarative Amsterdam 2021:

Also, We Have Been Busy...

Something New is Coming in
~ Q4 2021 / Q1 2022!

Balisage 2021 - Sponsor Talk

By Adam Retter

Balisage 2021 - Sponsor Talk

  • 1,268