Adam Retter
@ Online
Evolved Binary
Sponsor Talk
@ Evolved Binary - Some New Faces?
Private and Self-Bootstrapped
Actively Recruiting -
Most Importantly, Thank You...
To the Organisers of Balisage
To the Advisory Board for Balisage
To all the people behind the scenes
All the attendees!
What have we been up to at Evolved Binary?
Still the largest contributor
New version 5.3.0 was released at the end of June
1.5 Years since 5.2.0 - Many new features and bug-fixes
5.4.0 will be conservative and is almost ready
Our free contributions will be re-focused to Elemental
Stacked approach
eXist-db forms the basis of Elemental
Elemental is our enhanced internal fork of eXist-db
Elemental provides the eXist-db aspects of FusionDB
Still happily providing eXist-db Support, Consultancy, and Hosting
Still providing eXist-db infrastructre to the community, e.g. Nightly builds, etc.
Fusion DB
Our Multi-Model NoSQL Database
Currently - Performance and Features
Rewritten Security Manager - SAML, SSO, etc.
Improved Meda Type inferencing
Faster Iterators - e.g. table scan
Delete Range
Supporting pre-sales Customers
Reseller agreements for embedded use
Version 1 is very close...
License is BSL 1.1 - Change license is Apache 2
Leaving Alpha, next version is Beta 1
Nightly builds are popular - especially Docker
Our In-Browser LwDITA Editor based on ProseMirror
Designed for our own Technical Documentation needs
More than Markdown
Less than DocBook/DITA/etc.
Joining OASIS - LwDITA Committee
Plan to contribute "JDITA" - JSON Expression of LwDITA
Online Demo:
Video from Declarative Amsterdam 2021:
Also, We Have Been Busy...
Something New is Coming in
~ Q4 2021 / Q1 2022!
Balisage 2021 - Sponsor Talk
By Adam Retter
Balisage 2021 - Sponsor Talk
- 1,320